Braces Update - July 2013

/ quinta-feira, 18 de julho de 2013 /
Hello :)

Sorry for the late post, but I've been really busy :/... my finals are almost over :)

Well, I'm not wearing those elastics yet... my last appointment was 10 days ago, here's the pic:

My next appointment will be in early august and my ortho said to me I would be going through some major stuff. Can't wait!

Here is how my 15 month journey is looking so far:

April 12 - August 12 - July 13


Braces update - A Year!

/ quinta-feira, 9 de maio de 2013 /
Hello :)

Today I'm doing a special "1 year with braces" post. I have my braces for 1 year and a few days now - since April 26th, 2012.  My ortho expects me to wear it at least for another six months, maybe a little more.

My initial and major diagnosis is my underbite. It is a dental condition where the lower jaw protrudes up and outward abnormally, partially overlapping with the upper teeth. You can have an idea of what it is if you stand in front of a mirror and stick your chin out so your bottom teeth are positioned in front of your upper teeth. The most common treatment for underbite is a combination of orthodontics and surgery. Since surgery is way too expensive, I'm only doing orthodontics.
My secondary diagnosis was severe crooked teeth, specially on my lower arch. And because of that condition, I had six teeth removed: 4 wisdom teeth and the two lower premolars next to each canine. Ouch.

Now a year has gone by and I see major differences.

Changes of my upper arch, seen from below. April 2012-April 2013.

April 2012. I had my wisdom teeth removed.
August 2012. I had two teeth removed -  the lower premolars next to each canine.

December 2012

May 2013

Even though I'm really happy with the results so far, my mouth still needs work. The gaps between the lower canines and premolars are not fully closed yet, specially on the right side.

August 2012 - May 2013

My next step on my orthodonthic treatment is to correct my crossbite on the rightside. 
As you can see from the pictures below, on my left side the gap between the canine and premolar is almost closed and I have a correct bite. 
On the other hand, on my right side that doesn't happen. The gap is larger and I have an evident crossbite that will be corrected -  by the use of those big elastics. 

Differences between my left and right sides.
So, whenever the gaps are closed, I will start using those elastics so I can correct my crossbite. Hopefully, it will be next month, early June.



Braces update - April 2013

/ domingo, 7 de abril de 2013 /

Hello everybody!

So once again, I had an appointment with my othodontist. 
Nothing much happened, the ortho changed my lower wire to a stronger one and I've put blue elastics around each bracket, in an attempt to be different from the colors I put the most (grayish and pinkish colors).

And voilà:

April is the month of my braces anniversary (April 26th), so I'll make a special "1 year with braces" after my next appointment, in early May.



Braces update - March 2013

/ terça-feira, 5 de março de 2013 /

Hello everybody!

So yesterday I had an appointment with my othodontist. I had some new stuff going on:

1. I have new arch wires (stronger and thicker ones);
2. I don't have the little elastics on my lower arch anymore, the ones that were binding the canines with the premolars;
3. I've changed the little rubber bands from light gray to pink (actually they are two shades of pink).


Front view

Left view

What I'm really excited about is for my next phase of the orthodontic threatment - I will have to put some new elastics to correct my crossbite that is really visible on my left side (in the picture is the right side).

And this is how my 10 month braces journey is looking so far...
Abril '12 - August '12 - March '13

My next appointment will be on April 1st. Cya then!


Braces update - February 2013

/ terça-feira, 5 de fevereiro de 2013 /

Hello everybody :),

So yesterday I had an appointment with my ortho. Nothing much has happened, what I basically did was to put new elastic ligadures around each bracket... changed the color to light gray, my initial color. I always get back to this whenever I want to soft things up a bit.

And now for this month's pictures.

How my 9 month and a few days journey is looking so far...

April 12 - February 13

See ya next month!


Braces Update - January 2013

/ domingo, 13 de janeiro de 2013 /

Hello everybody :),

I wish everyone a happy new year!

My appointment with the ortho was four days ago, but I only got the chance to update the blog today.  Again, it hurt. I thought my teeth would get used to tightning and all, but I guess my teeth are sensitive.

What I basically did was to put new elastic ligadures around each bracket (changed the color from pink to white and red), I've put a new arch wire in the lower arch and also my ortho changed the brackets I used to have on the two lower pre-molars to stronger ones (and bigger as well).

And now for the pictures.

Front view

Side view

And this is how my braces journey is looking like so far. I love how my bite and lower arch have changed so much!

Abril 2012 - August 2012 - January 2013

My next appointment will be in early February. I'll update my blog then :)



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